The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a guide book that gives specific steps to implement in your life. Below I outline the steps that author Sean Covey suggests and give my own explanations while describing the way I may implement them with clients.
1. Be Proactive Accept responsibility for your own actions and the way you feel. It may not be your fault, but it’s your responsibility to identify what you want to improve, plan the steps, and execute it.
2. Begin With The End In Mind Define your goals in life. Where are you trying to get to? It helps to make a list of the four pillars. 1) Health 2) Wealth 3) Love 4) Happiness Then write down really specific goals for each.
3. Put First Things First Now that you have a list of goals, break it down even farther. What steps do you need to take to accomplish each? Put your goals and values first. Don’t be swayed by peer pressure and lose focus.
4. Think Win-Win Think in terms of interdependence. If you want something from someone, give them value. Help them. Share information, power, recognition, and rewards. The more you give to the right people, the more you’ll gain.
5. Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood You can control yourself, but not your environment and the people around you. Listen to the people around you and aim to understand where they are coming from. This is a necessary communication skill in life to build healthy relationships and to get what you need. Avoid ineffective arguments and trying to get your point across too someone who doesn’t want to hear it. Understand them, and decide if they are the kind of person you’d like have in your life.
6. Synergize Work together to achieve more. It’s about compromising and finding a middle ground. Creative cooperation is the goal. Not my idea or yours, but an even better one we can come up with together. This is especially important in relation to your parents. Understand where they are coming from and be willing to compromise.
7. Sharpen The Saw Take a “me day”. Focus on self-care and remember to relax and reward yourself for hard work. Enjoy what you’ve accomplished and give yourself credit where you gave your all and it didn’t work out. You couldn’t have done any better. Sometimes the best decision still doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to. Meditate and enjoy the good things. This is the only way to maximize your health, wealth, love and happiness.